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Shire of Harvey Re-Endorsed as Waterwise Council

Shire of Harvey Re-Endorsed as Waterwise Council
03 Apr 2023

The Shire of Harvey has been re-endorsed as a Waterwise Council.

The Shire of Harvey is thrilled to announce that it has been re-endorsed as a Waterwise Council.

The Shire first joined the Water Corporation’s Waterwise Council Program in 2022 to be part of a growing Western Australian effort to save water.

So far under the program, plants with similar watering requirements have been strategically grouped together across three ovals near Leschenault Leisure Centre.

This practice, known as hydrozoning, has helped the Shire avoid overwatering.

The Shire has also employed a full-time Irrigation Specialist and rolled out new irrigation controllers from the Hunter Hydrawise series.

The controllers have access to live weather data, can recalculate optimal run times and are expected to provide a water savings of between 20 and 30 per cent in a season.

More will be installed next summer.

Shire President Cr Paul Gillett said the Shire was also involving the community in water reduction efforts, including sharing best practice advice with schoolchildren.

“Our Environmental Officer has been visiting local schools to teach students about the importance of saving water and how planting water-wise native plants can help,” Cr Gillett said.

“So far, we have connected with children at St Anne’s School, Harvey Primary School and St Michael’s Catholic Primary School.

“Empowering young people is an important part of our plan to reduce demand on precious water supplies and ensure we aren’t taking more than we need.

“I look forward to seeing the Shire of Harvey develop into a more sustainable, environmentally-friendly community with help from our dedicated Shire Officers and the passionate team at Water Corporation.”

Water Corporation South West Regional Manager Nicky Waite congratulated the Shire of Harvey on its 2023 re-endorsement and the progress the community had made so far.

She said the Waterwise Council Program aimed to build cooperative working relationships with local councils and foster demand management capability to improve water efficiency, climate resilience and liveability.

"Water efficiency is a shared responsibility across the community – councils lead by example to promote the valuable role of water in creating liveable, vibrant and healthy communities,” Ms Waite said.

"I extend my congratulations to the Shire of Harvey for their long-term commitment to being as water efficient as possible across its operations.”

For Waterwise tips and advice, visit the Water Corporation website.