Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Draft Harvey Region Trails and Adventure Master Plan Open for Comment

Draft Harvey Region Trails and Adventure Master Plan Open for Comment
19 Apr 2023

The Shire of Harvey’s draft Harvey Region Trails and Adventure Plan available for review and comment.

The draft Harvey Region Trails and Adventure Plan has been prepared by Common Ground and is now released for public comment.

The plan sets out the priorities and opportunities for the Harvey Region to be recognised as a trail destination with a focus on place based trail and adventure experiences that celebrate the Region’s diversity.

The draft Harvey Region Trails and Adventure Plan has been divided into four priority areas that require consideration and development to support the growth of trails and adventure activities:

  1. Create a signature trail and adventure hub
  2. Provide complementary immersive experiences
  3. Implement robust and sustainable governance
  4. Market and promote the experiences on offer.

The priorities and opportunities identified in the draft plan are to be supported by “Priority Project Cost Estimates” at a later stage for the development of proposed new trails and upgrades to existing trails.

Shire President Cr Paul Gillett said the Harvey Region has a plethora of untapped trails and adventure experiences for locals and visitors alike, and we want to develop these to add to the State’s offerings in the trails and adventure tourism space.

"I encourage all stakeholders, visitors and the community to make a public submission on the draft plan.

The draft plan takes us a step closer towards Harvey Region becoming a truly desirable tourism destination. It has been produced at a time when the Region is experiencing dynamic change and renewal.  

Your feedback is crucial in shaping the future of the Region, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts." Cr Gillett said.

The consultation process will run for two weeks, closing on Friday 5 May 2023.

For further information or to lodge a submission, visit our Have Your Say page.