Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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2023 Australian 4 Day Enduro

2023 Australian 4 Day Enduro
21 Apr 2023

2023 Australian 4 Day Enduro Championships will be held in Harvey between Wednesday, 17 May and Saturday, 20 May.

Top enduro bikers from around Australia will be Harvey in May for the 2023 Australian 4 Day Enduro Championships.

Enduro riding is an amateur off-road motorcycle sport. The Championships were previously held in Harvey in 2013 and attracted 243 riders to the region.

About 120 of these riders travelled from interstate and brought with them support crews and spectators.

This year, more than 250 competitors with support crews are expected to arrive in Harvey up to eight days ahead of the event.

Their headquarters will be Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre.

Riders will make their way through a natural terrain motocross program that is expected to draw large crowds of spectators.

Visit the 2023 Australian 4 Day Enduro Championships for more information about tickets.