Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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JDAP Approves Binningup Development

JDAP Approves Binningup Development
31 Oct 2022

JDAP has approved the Albemarle Workers’ Accommodation Village in Binningup.

The Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) has approved the Albemarle Workers’ Accommodation Village in Binningup.

Albemarle Workers’ Accommodation is designed to accommodate 500 workers for the expansion of the nearby Albemarle Lithium Plant in Kemerton.

Shire of Harvey Council voted against the $73 million development at a Special Council Meeting on October 11.

Shire President Paul Gillett said the site was not suitable for the development.

However, JDAP was the determining authority for the application and approved the project on October 27,
subject to a range of conditions.

The Shire of Harvey will be receiving a full scope of the project shortly.