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System of Representation Review

System of Representation Review
21 Nov 2022

Shire of Harvey Council will adopt local government reforms.

The community is invited to have their say on how they are represented by Shire of Harvey Council. 

Earlier this year, the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) announced that communities would vote for Shire Presidents directly, Council numbers would decrease and optional preferential voting would be introduced. 

At a Council Meeting on Tuesday, 25 October Shire of Harvey Council agreed to these requirements. 

As part of the changes, the Council has initiated a Ward and Representation Review.

A discussion paper has been prepared to consult with the community to find a system of representation that best suits the characteristics of the District and its people. The options examined within this discussion paper meet the requirements of the reform and will be used to form a decision for consideration by the Local Government Advisory Board and the Minister for Housing; Lands; Homelessness; Local Government.

The Discussion Paper is available from the Shire Administration Offices, Libraries and website.

Community members can raise matters in relation to the system of representation in the Shire. 

Please Have your say on our Council’s representation by reviewing this Discussion Paper and making a submission to the Shire on your preferred option no later than 4pm on Friday, 16 December 2022.

Alternatively, discuss your thoughts with our officers at one of the Shire pop ups.

  • Tuesday, 29 November from 9am to 1pm - Treendale Shopping Centre. 
  • Wednesday, 30 November from 9am to 1pm - Clifton Road, Brunswick. 
  • Thursday, 1 December  from 9am to 1pm – outside Parton’s IGA in Harvey.