Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Climate Change Declaration

Climate Change Declaration
21 Nov 2022

Council adopted the Shire of Harvey Climate Change Declaration at its Ordinary Council Meeting in August.

At its Ordinary Council Meeting on 23 August 2022, Council adopted the Shire of Harvey Climate Change Declaration, including the Climate Change Corporate Mitigation Action Plan.

The objectives of the Declaration are to demonstrate climate leadership, reduce our corporate emissions and build the resilience of our Shire to climate change.

The Declaration establishes the Shire's position on climate change and outlines the Shire's commitment to address impacts on the climate and environment through emission reduction, water conservation, waste diversion, coastal renourishment and adaptation, and sustainable development practices.

A Climate Change Corporate Mitigation Action Plan (Action Plan) brings together the actions required to tackle climate change and minimise the vulnerability of the Harvey Region. The Shire is working with key stakeholders to ensure the achievement of the actions set out in the Action Plan. The Action Plan will be monitored on a biannual basis.

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said changes to the climate are already affecting the environment and society and remain to be the key focus for the Shire of Harvey.