Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Shire of Harvey Newly Endorsed Waterwise Council

Shire of Harvey Newly Endorsed Waterwise Council
18 May 2022

The Shire of Harvey receives recognition as WA's newest waterwise council through the Waterwise Council Program.

The Shire of Harvey is one of 48 councils State-wide now endorsed through the Waterwise Council Program - an initiative of Water Corporation and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation to help local governments adopt more water-efficient practices.

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said the Shire was pleased to be acknowledged for the water-saving efforts made by the Shire.

“Being waterwise is a shared responsibility across the community,” Cr Gillett said.

“Climate change and the growing population have impacted our water resources dramatically across the state and in our Shire.

“By adopting more water-efficient practices across the Shire operations, we can do our part to reduce demand on our water sources.”

The Waterwise Council Program was introduced by Water Corporation and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation more than 13 years ago. It is one of several targeted programs that promote efficiency among high water users and ensure all segments of the community are doing their bit to conserve precious water supplies.

To find out more about the Waterwise Council and Aquatic Centre Programs, visit the Water Corporation’s website.