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100 years of Harvey Library

100 years of Harvey Library
24 May 2022

The Harvey Library celebrated its centennial birthday on Tuesday, 24 May 2022.

Harvey War Memorial Library opened its doors to the public on 24 May 1922. Originally erected to commemorate those who died in service or were killed in action in World War I, one hundred years on, the Harvey Library continues to foster literacy and connect the local community with services, events and programs.

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said the Harvey Library has been a significant part of our community for 100 years.

“Harvey Library is a fantastic institution that our community loves,” Cr Gillett said.

“The library has remained a vital part of the community with a full calendar of activities throughout the year.

“Libraries are no longer silent places, but spaces where relationships can be formed.

“Hustle and bustle is common and community members of all kind are supported."

This week’s celebrations in the library offer a timeline of the library services, photographic displays of old-time Harvey along with fashion and artefacts from 1922.

Watch the news segment from GNW7 featuring the celebration.

Find out about the libraries.

Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years
Harvey Library 100 years