Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Grant to Help Reduce the Risk of Bushfires

Grant to Help Reduce the Risk of Bushfires
05 Jul 2022

The Shire was successful in obtaining a Mitigation Activity Fund Grant from the State Government.

The Shire of Harvey has been awarded $91,157 to reduce bushfire risks through the State Government’s 2022-23 Mitigation Activity Fund (MAF) grants program.

This funding will support a range of bushfire mitigation activities, including establishing firebreaks, access tracks and fuel reduction works to minimise the potential risks of fires in the Shire. 

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said this program provides vital financial support to local governments to help reduce bushfire risks.  

“Reducing the risk of bushfires in the Shire is something we all need to be aware of, and we encourage all property owners to be fire safe all year round,” Cr Gillett said.

Emergency Services Minister Stephen Dawson said the MAF program has proven to be a highly effective tool in boosting the number of bushfire mitigation activities being carried out each year. 

"Throughout Western Australia, fire mitigation activities are essential to help prevent the loss of life and property when a catastrophic blaze may break out.", Mr Dawson said. 

Find out about fire and emergency management.