Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Electric Vehicle Charging Station in Harvey Goes Green

Electric Vehicle Charging Station in Harvey Goes Green
22 Jul 2022

The electric vehicle charging station installed in Harvey is now being supplied with green energy.

The electric vehicle charging station installed in Harvey on Hayward Street is now being supplied with green energy. The Shire worked with the RAC to make this transition. The reduction in emissions per year resulting from this transition is equivalent to removing 18 cars from our roads.

The charging station in Harvey forms part of Australia's first RAC Electric Highway which features 16 locations with 12 ultra-rapid or fast charging options connecting Perth with the South West.  

The RAC Electric Highway aims to help reduce harmful emissions from cars in WA and supports our work towards a safer, more sustainable and better connected WA.