Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Cathedral Avenue Upgrade and Shared Path

Cathedral Avenue Upgrade and Shared Path
10 Jan 2022

Cathedral Avenue upgrade and shared path construction works are starting this week.

The 3.5km pathway at Cathedral Avenue, Leschenault will improve safety and connectivity.

The proposed shared path will connect the northern section of Cathedral Avenue by linking the existing shared path to Buffalo Road.

Works will be staged over 3 years, with the first stage, the construction of a shared path from Lofthouse Drive to Buffalo Road, expected to be completed in March 2022. 

At the same time, there will be road upgrade works to Cathedral Avenue from Australind Road to Buffalo Road consisting of road widening and traffic calming works.

The shared path will provide a safe and picturesque link for touring cyclists from the Forrest Highway into the Shire’s path network and onto facilities in Australind, Treendale and further afield into Bunbury. It will also provide cyclists access to Buffalo Beach, Belvidere Beach and Belvidere Camp from Australind foreshore.

This pathway project was first identified in the Shire of Harvey’s Local Bike Plan 2012, in the Bunbury Wellington 2050 Cycling Strategy and is included in the 2021-2031 Local Path Renewal and Improvement Plan and the Shire's short and long term capital works program.

Traffic management will be in place for the duration of the works. We apologise for any inconvenience that these works may cause.