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Funding to Develop a Creative Communities Strategy

Funding to Develop a Creative Communities Strategy
16 Feb 2022

The Shire was successful in obtaining funding to develop a Creative Communities Strategy from the State Government.

The Shire was successful in obtaining funding to develop a Creative Communities Strategy from the State Government’s Regional Arts and Cultural Investment Program (RACIP).

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said the Shire recognises the importance of arts and culture.

“By developing a Creative Communities Strategy the Shire recognises the role that local art, artists and cultural industries play in the cultural, economic, social and artistic vitality of the Shire,” Cr Gillett said.

“The Shire has a flourishing arts and culture community.

“We aim to support accessible, challenging and engaging programs that strengthen a sense of place and support thriving and connected communities.”

The $48,000 funding will be used to develop a Creative Communities Strategy that sets out an aspiration for the Shire to be a creative community that is vibrant, diverse and engaged through arts and culture.

RACIP's Leveraged Creative and Cultural Planning Program funds regional local governments to develop creative and cultural plans and implementation of activities. Projects promote the value of arts, culture and heritage and facilitate activities that foster regional creative and cultural industries.

Culture and the Arts Minister David Templeman said RACIP provides incredibly valuable opportunities for regional artists and arts organisations to deliver programs in their local community.

"Programs like this support local governments to build wellbeing through community connection,” Mr Templeman said.