Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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LLC Lap Pool Works Update

LLC Lap Pool Works Update
13 Dec 2022

We are excited to announce that work on the Leschenault Leisure Centre (LLC) lap pool has commenced.

We are excited to announce that work on the Leschenault Leisure Centre (LLC) lap pool has commenced.

Draining of the pool commenced on Monday, 31 October and was completed on Tuesday, 2 November.

Tests were then completed to ensure that no leaks were present in the pipework within the concrete pool shell.

On Monday, 7 November, demolition of the existing tiling commenced and was completed on Friday, 18 November.

At the completion of the demolition, concrete defects were identified and expert advice was engaged to advise on remedial action.

Pool shell restoration and rendering commenced on Monday, 28 November and was completed on Friday, 9 December, along with the remedial concrete shell repairs.

In the coming days, a water-proof membrane will be installed and left to cure over the Christmas break, with tiling due to commence early in the new year.

We would like to thank the Shire of Harvey community for their support and understanding throughout the closure of the LLC lap pool.

The Harvey Pool is proving to be quite popular with the warmer weather now upon us. It is fantastic to see so many swimming clubs and families enjoying the brilliant facilities in Harvey.

Stay up-to-date with all LLC lap pool updates via the Shire of Harvey website and LLC Facebook page.