Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Trail Plan Maximise Visitation

Trail Plan Maximise Visitation
29 Aug 2022

A Master Plan positioning the Harvey Region as the gateway for the Trails and Adventure network in Australia’s South West is on its way.

A Master Plan positioning the Harvey Region as the gateway for the Trails and Adventure network in Australia’s South West is on its way.

Co-funded by the Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development, the appointment of local planning and design consultant Common Ground Trails was announced by Robyn Clarke MLA for the development of the Plan.

The Master Plan will provide an up-to-date plan for trails within the Shire of Harvey and aims to guide future strategic investment in trail recreation, tourism and event development throughout the Region. 

Last year, the Shire of Harvey launched its Harvey Region Tourism Road Map 2031 (Road Map). The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) Royalties for Regions (RfR) Funding has allocated $105K to the Shire of Harvey for trails planning. As per the funding agreement with DIPRD, a Project Working Group was established under a specific Terms of Reference to oversee the Master Plan development.

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said that adaptation of the recommendations from this Plan will help to capitalise on the momentum of nature and adventure-based tourism and help the Shire become the premier destination in WA for unique experiences.

The Plan is expected to take six months to complete.