Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Australind Jetty Refurbishment Works Start

Australind Jetty Refurbishment Works Start
16 Aug 2022

The State Government announced that refurbishment works have started on the Australind Jetty.

Preliminary design works for the Australind Jetty upgrade have started after Water Minister Dave Kelly announced infrastructure company Ventia will carry out the $3 million refurbishment.

As this is a State Government owned asset, the Department of Transport will be overseeing the management of the refurbishment project, however the Shire will be providing input into the final design. 

The State Government built the jetty in the 1960s to support a nearby titanium extraction plant and has since been a popular attraction for local residents and tourists.

Following a deterioration in the jetty's condition, the Shire of Harvey and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation deemed the structure no longer safe for public use, and the difficult decision was made to close it to the public in late January 2021.

In May 2021, independent consultants carried out an assessment of the jetty's structural integrity, identifying significant structural issues with the pier and wooden bridges, which require extensive remedial works before the public can safely access the jetty.

We look forward to the works being completed so the community can enjoy this iconic landmark again.