Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Shire Playgrounds Clean Up

Shire Playgrounds Clean Up
12 Nov 2021

Cleaning of the sand at Shire playgrounds will start in November.

Our Park Services Team will be undertaking cleaning of the soft fall sand at playgrounds during November and December throughout the Shire.

There will be machinery on site to sift the sand to remove any foreign objects. We ask the public to avoid these areas while works are carried out.

Please refer to the dates and locations below. 

  • Monday, 15 November - Settlers Playground and Galway Green Park.
  • Thursday, 18 November - Ridley Park Foreshore, Christina Park (Old Coast Road) and Fee's Field (Cathedral Avenue). 
  • Monday, 22 November - Treendale South Park (Virgo Brace) and Roelands (Government Road).
  • Wednesday, 24 November - Treendale Front Lake and Lucy Victoria Park (Clifton Park). 
  • Thursday, 25 November - Braidwood Drive (Kingston), Rockland Road POS (Kingston) and Kingston Drive playground. 
  • Friday, 26 November and Saturday, 27 November - Riverlinks Childcare.
  • Monday, 29 November - RSL Hall (Harvey), Harvey Dam and APEX Park (Anthony Street, Harvey).
  • Thursday, 2 December - Channel Park (Brunswick), Community Centre (Brunswick) and Brunswick Pool.
  • Friday, 3 December and Saturday, 4 December - Charlie's Garden (Australind), Binningup Hall and Binningup Oval.
  • Monday, 6 December - Railway Parade (Yarloop), Station Street (Yarloop) and Riverdale Road Playground (Cookernup).
  • Friday, 10 December and Saturday, 11 December  - Reading Road (Myalup).

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.