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Council Decides on Australind Community Precinct Location

Council Decides on Australind Community Precinct Location
25 Nov 2021

Decision has been made on the preferred location for Australind Community Precinct.

The Shire undertook a six-week consultation process during June, July and August to obtain community feedback on the preferred location and required community facilities for the Australind Community Precinct.

On Tuesday night the Shire of Harvey Council adopted the preferred location for the Australind Community Precinct at Lot 208 Mulgara Street, Australind.

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said that feedback from community consultation for the preferred location has been considered.

“The preferred location indicated by survey respondents was the existing Australind site, followed by the Leschenault Leisure Centre site and Treendale site and finally a split of facilities over two or more sites,” Cr Gillett said.

“The proposed community precinct in Australind will include a range of community and civic facilities and services catering for all ages.”

“The precinct is designed to cater for the Shire’s future needs, for use by our children and grandchildren.”

Council also requested the finalisation of the Australind Community Precinct Feasibility Plan in order to move the project forward.

In addition, Council requested the establishment of an Australind Precinct Community Reference Group. Nominations to be part of the reference group will be invited from members of the community towards the end of January.

The Australind Community Precinct project recognises that the current library facilities and administration centre in Australind are undersized relative to the existing and growing population needs of the area, and that currently the community does not have access to fit-for-purpose community infrastructure.

The development of the Australind Community Precinct will be staged. Construction of the first phase of the precinct is planned to start in 2023.