Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Yarloop Timber Mill Railway Workshops Redevelopment

Yarloop Timber Mill Railway Workshops Redevelopment
07 May 2021

The Shire of Harvey has received a $20,000 grant from the State Government to contribute towards the heritage interpretation of the Yarloop Workshops redevelopment.

The Yarloop Workshops are one step closer to reconstruction after the original timber mill railway workshops were destroyed in the devastating 2016 Yarloop-Waroona bushfires.

The design stage for the facility is complete and tender documentation is scheduled to be advertised in June 2021.

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said the Yarloop Workshops were an integral part of the community and the local area’s heritage which were lost in the fires.

“Rebuilding the workshops and honouring the heritage of the area is a key component of this project,” Cr Gillett said.

“After a lot of community and stakeholder consultation to develop a Master Plan for the site we are pleased to be able to go out for tender for the first stage of this project.

“Thanks to the State Government for their continued support for this project, it is greatly appreciated.”

The State Government has committed $20,000 from its Heritage Funding grants which will contribute towards the heritage interpretation at the site.

Heritage Minister David Templeman said he was pleased to reinstate the heritage grants funding this year which attracted much interest and a compelling collection of projects that celebrate our past and protect the State's most valuable historic places.