Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Dune Rehabilitation Project

Dune Rehabilitation Project
28 May 2021

Thousands of new seedlings are being planted in the Myalup Dunes as part of the Shire's partnership with local schools and Trees4Change program.

Over the next few weeks, the Shire, in partnership with Trees4Change and local and metro schools will plant thousands of seedlings in the Myalup Dunes to rehabilitate the coastline.

On Wednesday, Environmental Officer Samantha Pickering, Trees4Change Program Coordinator Bruce Ivers and local volunteer Rina hosted the first group of nearly 70 Parkfield Primary School students.

The students were split into three groups, rotating between planting seedlings, picking up litter and hands on science education on the beach.

On Thursday, nearly 140 students from Our Lady of Mercy Campus and Bunbury Catholic College were planting seedlings. Students from Ardross Primary and Samson Primary will continue the dune rehabilitation later in June.

This program is the brainchild of three school children at Ardross Primary in Perth who wanted to help rehabilitate the environment after the 2016 Yarloop Waroona bushfires. Since 2018, more than 40,000 seedlings have been planted in the Myalup Dunes.

Watch a video about the Myalup Planting Program