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Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan

Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan
30 Jul 2021

The Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan demonstrates the Shire’s commitment to safety and crime prevention initiatives.

The Shire's Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan 2021-2026 has been adopted by Council.

During the development of this plan, the Shire listened to our community to create a collaborative, evidence based approach which will ensure that resources will be well-targeted and reflect the needs and concerns of the community. 

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said building a safe and responsible community is a key objective of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan.

He said the aim of the plan is to guide initiatives to reduce the incidences of criminal opportunities and enhance community safety and lifestyle.

Cr Gillett said there were five priority projects that would be actioned in the next five years.

“Council is committed to work collaboratively towards an even safer and more connected community."

The five key priority projects are: 

  1. Develop and implement a strategy to ensure appropriately located CCTV is in place at community facilities and Shire venues;
  2. Develop and implement a Public Health Plan to influence the health and well-being of the community;
  3. Promote safety engagement pop-ups at shopping centres and other locations in partnership with WA Police and service providers;
  4. Develop and promote biennial Community Safety and Crime Prevention survey to residents; and 
  5. Establish annual information sessions on fire preparedness and responsibilities with the Community Emergency Services Manager and Rangers.

In addition to these priority projects the plan sets out four priority areas to guide the implementation of actions for the next five years.  

Priority 1: Safer Places and Spaces – planning and designing of places to prevent crime and enhance public safety.

  • Reduce opportunities for crime and injury through urban and environmental design
  • Investigate opportunities to improve lighting on Shire infrastructure
  • Increase public health within the community
  • Increase internal capacity of community safety awareness

Priority 2: Community Education and Awareness – increase community knowledge through education and awareness to help reduce opportunities for crime and injury.

  • Encourage neighbourhood and community connectivity
  • Encourage community engagement and capacity
  • Improve the Shire’s online community safety and crime prevention presence
  • Raise awareness of road safety
  • Raise awareness of water safety

Priority 3: Building Partnerships and Participation – forming stronger partnerships with stakeholders to increase community participation and create safe, resilient communities.

  • Increase safety awareness and participation with children and young people
  • Maintain and strengthen relationships with WA Police
  • Increase stakeholder partnerships and engagement

Priority 4: Emergency Management – managing risks to the community and environment. 

  • Improve emergency readiness and education