Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Turf Maintenance and Watering

Turf Maintenance and Watering
26 Feb 2021

Over the next week some turf areas will be watered during daylight hours to facilitate the successful application of wetasoil products.

Over the next week some turf areas in the Shire will be watered during daylight hours to facilitate the successful application of wetasoil products.

In addition to day time watering the the Shire has recently undertaken the installation of several areas of new turf at Meriden Park in Harvey.

This was required to provide a usable safe surface for the upcoming soccer season.

To assist with the establishment of the new turf the Shire will be undertaking day time watering, in addition to the night watering program.

Watering will occur for short periods of time during the day over the next couple of weeks.

The watering in of wetasoil products is required to provide a successful outcome, while we try to avoid daytime watering, on some occasions we are required to complete watering during this time.

Over a longer period of time the use and application of wetasoil reduces ongoing watering requirements, provides better moisture infiltration into our soils and reduces water wastage due to hydrophobic soils.