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State Government allocates $3 million to rebuild Australind Jetty

State Government allocates $3 million to rebuild Australind Jetty
14 Dec 2021

Funding has been allocated to rebuild the popular Australind Jetty and make it safe for public use.

Water Minister Dave Kelly today announced funding of $3 million has been allocated to rebuild the popular Australind Jetty and make it safe for public use.

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said the popular spot was closed in January 2021.

“Due to the Australind Jetty becoming unsafe it was closed off to the public in late January 2021 by the Shire on behalf of the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER),” Cr Gillett said.

“The Australind Jetty has become a popular spot for local residents and tourists.

“We are pleased to see this funding has been allocated to rebuild the jetty and appreciate the advocacy of Jodie Hanns MLA Member for Collie-Preston.”

Independent consultants carried out an assessment of the jetty's structural integrity in May 2021. The consultant's report identified several significant structural issues with the pier and the wooden bridges, requiring extensive remedial works before the public could use the jetty safely.

DWER is now commencing the process to undertake the recommended remedial works that will see the popular jetty reopened to the public.