Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Myalup Beach Closed

Myalup Beach Closed
12 Aug 2021

Myalup Beach closed until further notice.

Myalup Beach will be closed from Thursday, 12 August due to storm damage.

No access is permitted until further notice. 

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said the July storms have had a significant effect on the shore line on our South West beaches.

"Myalup Beach is just one of many areas along the South West coastline that was affected," Cr Gillett said.

There is beach erosion and some damage to limestone walls and paths including the pedestrian and vehicle access to the beach.

“The damaged areas have been cordoned off and loose materials have been removed. Once the full extent of the damage has been assessed remediation will be arranged.

“As the beach forms a natural environment with constantly shifting sand it is expected that the beach will regenerate naturally before summer.”

We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.