Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Binningup Beach Restoration

Binningup Beach Restoration
27 Aug 2021

Dune rehabilitation works along the Binningup coastline have been completed.

In April, the Shire of Harvey in partnership with the Binningup Coastcare and Environment Group successfully obtained $25,000 in Coastwest funding for the Binningup Beach restoration.

The project aims to arrest dune erosion through the installation of sand fencing and revegetation, which will deter pedestrian access and generate sand deposition.

The rehabilitation works were completed on Wednesday, 25 August 2021. Sand fences have been constructed on the northern and southern end of the Main Swimming Beach with jute matting and brushing installed to assist in rebuilding the dunes and to keep people from entering the area. In addition, native seedlings have been planted amongst the dunes to help with rehabilitation.

Shire President Paul Gillett said this project was an important initiative to protect our ecosystems that are part of the beautiful coastline.

“It is important to conserve the quality of our coastlines so they can be enjoyed by many generations to come,”Cr Gillett said.