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Leschenault Leisure Centre Court Expansion

Leschenault Leisure Centre Court Expansion
30 Apr 2021

Council has supported the proposed capital upgrades to the Leschenault Leisure Centre which will be included in the Forward Capital Works Plan.

Council has endorsed a proposed upgrade of the Leschenault Leisure Centre indoor courts, subject to the availability of funding.

Shire of Harvey Council President Paul Gillett said this project was a key priority to ensure that we provide facilities that meet the needs of our growing population.

"We are one of the fastest growing local governments in the State with a projected population growth of more than 13,000 people in the next 10 -15 years.

"Upgrades to the Leschenault Leisure Centre are a crucial part of ensuring we have fit for purpose facilities to cater for the growing needs in our community.

"When you look at the statistics, 26 per cent of our population is children aged 5 to 15 years and 22 per cent of young people aged 15 to 24 years are overweight or obese. We need to provide the infrastructure to encourage physical activity."

He said these upgrades would enhance the lives of people living in our community and this is important, especially when it's related to physical and mental wellbeing.

Leschenault Leisure Centre Manager Richard Duke said these upgrades would allow the centre to expand its programs and attract country and regional competitions.

He said it would triple their seating capacity and provide a fit-for-purpose facility for wheel chair basketball and increase the number of sporting clubs who can play at the centre.

"These upgrades would support not only the Shire's needs but the greater South West region would benefit, as we already are at capacity and need to ensure we are meeting the future projected population growth for the region.

"More than 20 teams just within the Shire utilise the centre and this does not include the wider region.

"For the first time ever we would be able to attract state and regional competitions, as the upgrades include full size courts which are compliant for basketball and netball."

The upgrades include two additional courts, change rooms, disability access to courts and inclusion of a compliant accessible toilet and change room to court side.

There is an alternative ramped access to courts and a lift to mezzanine viewing area included in the plan, with improved spectator seating and fit for purpose food and beverage area overlooking the courts.

View the proposed plan.