Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Coastwest Grants

Coastwest Grants
09 Apr 2021

The Shire, in partnership with the Binningup Coastcare and Environment Group was successful in obtaining a Coastwest grant to rehabilitate the sand dunes.

The $25,000 Coastwest grant will be used to rehabilitate the coastline by constructing sand fences at the northern and southern end of the Binningup beach area.

There will be two sand fences constructed on the northern and southern end of the beach area with shade cloth and jute matting installed to rebuild the dunes and keep people from entering the dunes.

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said this project was an important initiative to ensure that we rehabilitate the coastline and the dunes to protect them for future generations to come.

"We’re lucky to have an active community in Binningup to help drive these projects and thank them for their ongoing support," Cr Gillett said.

Native seedlings will be planted along the dune area to help with rehabilitation in the coming months.

The seedlings are grown from seed collected within the Shire of Harvey to ensure they are native to the area.

There will also be the translocation of spinifex plants from other places in the dune systems to help with rehabilitating the sites.

The rehabilitation works will be undertaken in the next couple of months, with a community consultation day so residents can ask questions and understand how they can get involved.

We will be advertising this in the coming weeks.

The Binningup Coastcare and Environment Group is looking for new members to participate, to get involved contact co-convener Pam Bremner on 0408 663 716.