Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Australind SES Building Officially Opened

Australind SES Building Officially Opened
18 Nov 2020

The new Australind State Emergency Services building was officially opened on Saturday, 14 November.

The Australind SES building was officially opened on Saturday, 14 November.

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett congratulated the brigade volunteers on their efforts to make this project possible.

"The volunteers are the backbone of this organisation and they help keep our community safe," Cr Gillett said.

This new building is fit for purpose, with an operations room double the size of the previous one which means they will be able to have quicker response times.

A three bay drive through shed, along with more storage, office space and upgraded communications will also mean a more streamlined response.

The cost of construction was $1.1 million of which $930,052 was a DFES Capital Grant, and $204,265 was contributed by the Shire of Harvey.

Australind SES Manager Jessie Williams said the upgraded facilities would mean their volunteers could respond to emergencies quicker and be better prepared for future call-outs.

"Due to the improved technology and upgraded facilities it will allow our members to access more training opportunities, which means that our members will be even more prepared to attend to emergency situations,” Ms Williams said.

“We will also be able to expand our volunteer numbers given the increased sized of the building which has provided more space and will allow us to deliver a more efficient response.”