Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Brunswick Men's Shed Officially Open

Brunswick Men's Shed Officially Open
04 Dec 2020

Brunswick Men’s Shed was officially opened on 4 December and will provide a safe and supportive place for men of all ages to gather and volunteer their time.

Providing a safe, welcoming space for men to gather with likeminded people.

Brunswick Men’s Shed was officially opened on 4 December by Member for Murray-Wellington Robyn Clarke and Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett.

The Men’s Shed reached practical completion earlier this year and has since provided a safe, supportive and friendly environment for people of all ages to gather and volunteer their time.

The Men’s Shed promotes positive mental and physical wellbeing, allowing the men to gather to build projects to assist the community and be surrounded by like-minded people.

"The Brunswick Men's Shed promises to be a valuable addition to this vibrant and passionate community," Cr Gillett said.

"There is no doubt that this men’s shed will play a vital role in strengthening the community they are part of.

"Member give back to their community by getting involved in grass roots projects and events."

The Shed includes a large workshop, meeting space, kitchen area, accessible toilets and outdoor patio.

This project was made possible thanks to the State Government, the Alcoa Harvey Sustainability Fund, the Shire of Harvey, the Brunswick Men's Shed Committee and the Brunswick Lions Club.