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May Gibbs Collection Remains in Harvey

May Gibbs Collection Remains in Harvey
26 Nov 2021

Harvey Districts Tourist Bureau transfers May Gibbs Collection to the Shire of Harvey.

The Harvey Districts Tourist Bureau (HDTB) has transferred today its May Gibbs Collection to the Shire of Harvey.

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said the Shire was honoured to receive the collection from HDTB Chair Mark Cumbers.

“There was interest expressed for the Collection by the May Gibbs South Perth Historical Society and other museum bodies,” Cr Gillett said.

“However, the Shire and HDTB were adamant in keeping this significant piece of our history in Harvey.”

Cecilia May Gibbs was one of Australia’s foremost children’s authors and illustrators and is best known today for the iconic Australian children’s story, The Complete Adventures of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie.

From 1885 to 1886, Gibbs lived in the original Stirling Cottage on the banks of the Harvey River and drew inspiration for her stories and illustrations from her time in Harvey.

Representatives from Harvey History Online have been working with HDTB to catalogue the contents of the Collection. The Shire will create a temporary May Gibbs display at the Harvey Library with the remaining components placed in storage until a permanent public exhibition venue is secured. 

The May Gibbs Collection and Gibbs family story, and its tourism potential, will be considered in an Internment Camp and Stirling Gardens Precinct Master Plan and the soon-to-be-release Harvey Region Tourism Road Map 2031.

The Shire is committed to grow the $46.8M local visitor economy by the establishment of a Destination Harvey Region Business Unit and Tourism Advisory Group.

Find out more about the new business unit and the Shire’s commitment to tourism in the Destination Harvey Region frequently asked questions.