Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Age Friendly Strategy

Ageing Together

The Shire’s Age Friendly Strategy, Ageing Together, is an updated review of the Greater Bunbury Age Friendly Plan released in September 2016. 

The purpose of this renewed Strategy is to communicate the Shire’s ongoing commitment towards becoming an age friendly community, where opportunities for participation, health and wellbeing are enhanced for older people who live in and visit the Shire.

Goals and Objectives

The strategy provides a five-year framework that will enable the Shire to strategically meet the current and future needs of our older people.

Goal 1: Active Ageing

  • Support the needs of people as they age to remain active, access community infrastructure and the natural environment.

Goal 2: Mobile and Connected

  • Advocate for solutions to current transport issues and encourage safe, independent travel options.

Goal 3: Housing

  • Housing related issues are identified and solutions developed which increase options for people to age well in place.

Goal 4: Healthy Connections

  • A sense of community is further enhanced to address isolation and promote wellbeing.

Goal 5: Respected and Valued

  • Opportunities are created which ensure older people in our community are included, valued and respected.

Goal 6: Civic Participation and Employment

  • Facilitating the voice of older people and their community contributions via paid employment or voluntary work.

Goal 7: Inclusive Information

  • Accessible information is provided in a wide range of mediums and communication opportunities are meaningful.

Goal 8: Health Services Support

  • Community support and health services meet the needs of the community and  include innovative responses to identified gaps.

Priority Projects

The strategy has five priority projects to be actioned during the next five years.

  1. Promote the addition of recharge points for mobility devices in key Shire facilities.
  2. Continue to support and advocate for the development of the Brunswick River Cottages.
  3. Register the Shire of Harvey as a member of the WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities.
  4. Establish and administer a Wisdom Council that trains and supports members to become Senior Community Champions.
  5. Develop an annual senior’s expo.

Each of these priority projects, alongside other actions of the strategy will contribute to the strategy’s vision and mission which focuses on respecting, celebrating, empowering and supporting our older people.

For further information, please contact the Community Development Team on 9729 0339 or email.