Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.
For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA.
The Shire of Harvey Acknowledging Funding Toolkit contains all you need to know about how to acknowledge the Shire of Harvey on social media, communications, promotions, events and other activities.
Acknowledgement of Shire of Harvey funding is something you need to consider from the moment you receive your grant offer right through to when your project is completed.
It is important to acknowledge the Shire in your marketing. This helps us promote grants to other groups. You can do this by:
You must show examples of where you have acknowledged the Shire of Harvey funding when submitting your final report for payment of your grant, so remember to keep a record of the acknowledgements as you go.
Social media templates for Facebook have been provided to support grant recipients with promoting their project.
Download social media tiles to acknowledge the Shire’s contribution to your organisation.
Download social media tiles to acknowledge the Shire’s contribution to your event.
Download the Shire of Harvey acknowledgement logo.
Please use one of the following acknowledgement statements on social media:
“This project is proudly supported by the Shire of Harvey” , or
“This event is proudly supported by the Shire of Harvey”.
We encourage you to use the #ShireofHarvey and #ShireofHarveyCommunityGrants when talking about the Shire's Community Grants on social media.
Tag the Shire of Harvey social media accounts: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn.
Contact us at if you need any assistance.