Australind Community Precinct

The Shire of Harvey has identified the need to develop a community precinct in the Australind area. The current library facilities and administration centre are undersized relative to the existing and growing population needs of the area, and that currently the community does not have access to fit-for-purpose community infrastructure. The precinct will establish a 'civic heart' and connectivity to the Ridley Place Foreshore. The endorsed Australind Community Precinct Master Plan may be viewed here

Community Consultation

The Shire undertook a six-week consultation process during June, July and August 2021 to obtain community feedback on the preferred location and required community facilities for the Australind Community Precinct.

Feedback from community consultation for the preferred location was considered and in November 2021, Council adopted the preferred location for the Australind Community Precinct at Lot 208 Mulgara Street, Australind.

Community Reference Group

Council requested the establishment of an Australind Precinct Community Reference Group. The purpose of the group is to provide a platform where community representatives can give guidance and feedback on matters relating to the development of the Shire of Harvey’s Australind Community Precinct. 

Project timeline

  • September 2022 - Appointment of APP for development of Master Plan and Business Case.
  • October 2022 - Stakeholder Consultation and Input.
  • December 2022 - Concept Forum Workshop.
  • December 2022 - Australind Precinct Community Reference Group - Meeting 1 including workshop with Councillors and Australind Leschenault Place Advisory Group .
  • January 2023 - Australind Precinct Community Reference Group - Meeting 2.
  • March 2023 - Concept Forum Presentation.
  • May 2023 – Internal Stakeholder Meeting
  • June 2023 – Australind Precinct Community Reference Group – Meeting 3
  • June 2023 – Internal Stakeholder Workshop
  • July 2023 – Concept Forum Presentation
  • September 2023 – Endorsed by Council on 26 September 2023.

More information and contacts

For more information please contact us.