Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Home Occupation

Overview of requirements

Operating a business (including a mobile business) from a residential property is exempt from requiring approval from the Shire of Harvey if the operation complies with the requirements of the Local Planning Scheme.

The Information Sheet below explains the requirements. If your proposal doesn’t comply with these requirements, an Application for Development Approval – Home Occupation is required. Even if your proposal does comply with the requirements, development approval is still applicable if works are required to be undertaken to the dwelling / shed / room to facilitate the business.

How to apply for home occupation approval

  1. Complete the Application for Development Approval – Home Occupation form below
  2. Prepare a covering letter that includes:
    • The of business proposed
    • Anticipated hours of operations
    • Number of people expected to visit the property
  3. Prepare plans detailing the location and dimensions of any existing and proposed structures, landscaping, vehicular access and car parking areas.
  4. Submit the form, covering letter and plans with payment of the application fee ($222 subject to change) to the Shire of Harvey.

Important note: If operating a food business, other approval may apply. Please refer to our Food Business Safety and Approvals page.

Processing of applications

On receipt of an application for a home occupation, Shire Officers may notify adjoining landowners, who will be invited to comment on the proposal.

Subject to no objections being received, the application will be determined at a staff level. If, however, an objection to the proposal is received, a report will be prepared by staff and the application will be determined by Council.

Annual registration fee

An annual registration fee of $73 (subject to change) is payable for the renewal of each home occupation license that is issued for a business.

The fee shall be prescribed by Council and included in the annual Planning Schedule of Fees and Charges.

More information and contacts

For more information please contact us.