Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Invest Harvey Region

Invest Harvey Region

The Shire of Harvey LGA, also known as the Harvey Region, is a dynamic area with a rich history, flourishing economy, supportive business climate, and innovative residents with a ‘have a go’ attitude.

We are located between the Darling Range and the Indian Ocean, 90 minutes south of Perth and 90 minutes north of Margaret River, Western Australia.

The Harvey Region spans over 1,735 square kilometres, and boasts 42 kilometres of uninterrupted coastline, many waterways, and stunning hinterland communities. 

Visit the Harvey Region Invest website

We Are Homegrown Heroes - Invest Harvey Region